- Ethiopia
- November - January
Ethiopia Limu Feyisa Abamecha G2 Washed 2024
Feyisa Abamecha Washing Station
At the Feyisa Abamecha Washing Station, traceability is a top priority. Producers use a voucher system to track each coffee lot throughout the process, from the receiving station to the drying stage, ensuring documentation ties the coffee back to the farmers who produced it.
Fresh cherries are first sorted at the receiving station, then pulped in a disc pulper and fermented in cement tanks for 36 to 48 hours to remove mucilage. The pulped coffee is dried for seven to nine days. Once the parchment coffee reaches a moisture content of 10-12%, it is stored in labeled conditioning bins until ready for the dry mill.
Limu Specialty Coffee
Limu, a lesser-known region in the Oromia Zone compared to Yirgacheffe or Guji, boasts altitudes of 1,100 to 1,900 masl in the highlands, perfect for growing excellent coffee with complex flavors, a sweet profile, and a balanced body. The district of Limu Seka, where this coffee originates, features fertile clay soil at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 1,960 masl. This G2 washed lot from Limu offers refreshing flavors of peach, honey, florals, green tea, lemon, and lime, complemented by a light body and bright acidity.
Quality Grades for Ethiopian Coffee
In Ethiopia, coffee grading is based on both physical and cup qualities, including altitude, imperfections, and flavor. The grades range from 1 (highest) to 9 (lowest), with grades 1 and 2 classified as specialty coffee.
Ethiopia Green Coffee Beans
Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica coffee, contributes only 3-4% of the world's coffee supply, but the variety of flavors from this origin is remarkable. Ethiopian green coffee is celebrated for its bright fruit and floral notes, exceptional acidity, and sweetness. Among the many coffee-growing districts, Yirgacheffe, Sidama, and Guji stand out for their distinctive cup profiles. Learn more about Ethiopia in our Origin Report.
Region Limu Seka
Altitude 1400-2200
Feyisa Abamecha Mill
Heirloom varieties
November - January