- India
- October–February
India Monsooned Malabar A 2022
**Note: This coffee is delivered in two GO boxes**
India Monsooned Malabar Green Coffee Beans
The unique flavor profile of Monsooned Malabar and India’s green coffee bean production are closely tied. The monsooning process was stumbled upon in colonial days. During transport in the monsoon months unroasted coffee was subject to wet weather and absorbed moisture that strongly impacted the cup.
Transportation improved, but demand for the unique monsooned cup profile remained. Today, the moonsooned processing method is recreated under more controlled settings.
Some roasters prize the nuances they derive from roasting Monsooned Malabar raw coffee beans while others believe the profile to be the result of defective processing.
India is the 7th largest coffee-producing country, but the majority of its coffee is Robusta. The southern state of Karnataka produces the majority of India's green coffee beans.
India Green Coffee Grading
Like many coffee-producing countries, India uses a size-based grading system. Sizing runs from AAA (the biggest), AA, A and PB. While AAA is generally regarded as the best quality, the grade does not necessarily equal higher quality.
Region Southern India—Karnataka
Altitude 1200
Various smallholders
S795, Catimor, Selection 9